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Lighting Text

Personal Data Processing Text

Caf Travel Vip Turizm Tic. Ltd. As a data controller under the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, we will record, classify, process, store, update, and transfer to third parties when the legislation is permitted, and we will enlighten you in relation to our mutual rights and obligations under this legal regulation.

Your personal data may be processed in accordance with the KVKK No. 6698, completely or partially, automatically or any data registration system is obtained in non-automatic ways by obtaining, recorded, stored, amended, re-edited; with the registration of the security and confidentiality under the legislation: by explaining, transferring, taking over, being obtained, classified or blocking its use, in short, all kinds of processing issues performed on data may be processed by us. In the scope of KVKK, all kinds of transactions performed on the data are considered “ processing of personal data”.

Detailed information about the purposes of processing your personal data; https://www.otelmarkt. com/page/kisisel-veriler-korunmasi-ve-isleme-politika is shared with the public at Caf Travel Vip Turizm Tic. Ltd. Şti. You can access the Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy.

1- Objectives and Legal Reasons

Your personal data,

  • To fulfill the needs of services related to the activities of the company,
  • The Law of Travel Agencies and Travel Agencies No. 1618, the Turkish Civil Aviation Law No. 2920, IATA International Air Transporters Association Policies, the International Montreal Convention on 1999, the Law on the Protection of Consumer No. 6502, the Regulations prepared based on these regulations/administrations and other legislation to identify the information of the transaction owner, address and other necessary information,
  • The company can fulfill sales, marketing and disability activities,
  • To organize all registration and documents that will be based on processing in electronic payment, electronic contract and paper environment, which is mandatory in banking, insurance, civil aviation and tourism, to store information, to comply with reporting, information obligations,
  • Monitoring and management of customer complaints,
  • Conducting human resources policies,
  • It will be used to provide information to judicial units and related public authorities in case of request in legal disputes and by law.
  • However, your personal data will be transferred to hotels in cases where visa application service is available. In addition to your explicit consent, your personal data will also be used to provide you with suggestions within the scope of the studies such as Customer Relationship Management practices to sell and marketing activities with the increase of our service quality and to provide commercial electronic messages such as advertising, promotion to your contact information that you share with the COMPANY in your acceptance.

2- Transfer to Third Person or Organizations

Your personal data can be transferred to companies, insurance companies and other service providers, including public institutions and/or private persons, law enforcement authorities and other institutions, including air, land, iron and sea, as well as other service providers relating to the service provided not limited to the above-mentioned purposes, as well as in the framework of the personal data processing terms and purposes specified in law-authorised public institutions and/or private persons, the Law 8. and 9. substances.

3- Method of Collecting Personal Data

Your personal data is in the form of data, location data that includes browsing time and details with the cookie data collected by the browser; in the form of data, location data, which includes user name and password via forms in the COMPANY website and mobile applications; our sales and marketing department employees, agents, digital marketing and call center, from the oral, written or electronic environment, with our agents in the physical environment, our agreement business partner with our agents in electronic environment, booking companies from the websites, telephone, call center and email channel, to establish commercial relationship with the COMPANY, for business advice, etc. Based on different channels and different legal reasons, physics and/or electronic environments are collected, as well as indirect way from different channels, website, blog, contest, survey, game, campaign and so on (mikro) data obtained from websites and social media, e-bulletin reading or click movements, data that public open databases offer, social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram, etc.) can be processed and collected from social sites sharing open profile and data;

4- Rights of the Data Owner

In accordance with the KVKK 11.maddesi No. 6698, the rights of the Personal Data Holder are as follows:Personal Data Owner, by resorting to our Company (data controller);

1. Learning whether personal data is processed,

2. Request information about it if personal data is processed,

3. Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,

4. Knowing third parties to whom personal data is transferred inside or abroad,

5. If personal data is missing or incorrectly processed, it is necessary to ask them to fix and to ask for third parties to whom the processing of the personal data is transferred,

6. Although the Law No. 6698 was processed in accordance with the provisions of the Law and other applicable law, it is necessary to ask for the deletion or destruction of personal data when the reasons that require processing are eliminated, and in this context, to request that the processing of the personal data is transferred,

7. To object to the emergence of a result against the person itself by analyzing the data exclusively through automated systems,

8. It has the right to request that the personal data is damaged due to the processing of illegally. The rights of this, by data owners https://www.otelmarkt. Caf Travel Vip Turizm Tic. Ltd. Sti. In case of transmitting the Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy, it will be terminated within 30 days. It is essential to not be paid for any fee in relation to the requests, but the right to charge the Company’s Personal Data Protection Board via the fee tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board. These fees are determined by the Personal Data Protection Committee on the tariff determined by Article 13 of the Protection of Personal Data. The Company reserves the right to update this Lighting Text in accordance with the changes that may be made in the applicable legislation and changes to the purposes of processing and transferring personal data.

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